TOUCH-A-TRUCK® Vendor Form

Thank you for supporting JLNO's TOUCH-A-TRUCK®! Please fill out the following form to register as a vendor. 



Registration Deadline Applications are accepted on a first received/first paid basis. To guarantee listing in the event map, registration, insurance certificate, and payment must be received by October 1, 2024.

 Promotion & Amenities:

  • Email with any electrical needs. Please note that additional fees may apply.
  • The Pontchartrain Center does provide wireless internet service.
  • Based on the applicable sponsor level, participants may bring promotional items (suitable for children), banners, signage, decorations, etc. provided, however, that such items comply with the following:
    • All promotional items, banners, signage, decorations must be properly weighted and/or secured at ALL times.
    • Participants are responsible for providing adequate supports, and materials may not be attached in any way to the Pontchartrain Center property.

Participation Guidelines:

  • Participant space assignments will be determined by the Junior League of New Orleans based upon the best interests of the event and/or first-come, first-served basis.  Space will be located inside the Pontchartrain Center.
    • The max entry height for the Pontchartrain Center is 17 feet.
  • Participants with vehicles must adhere to the following fuel guidelines for vehicles on display in the Pontchartrain Center:
    • All fuel tank openings shall be locked and sealed in an approved manner to prevent the escape of vapors; fuel tanks shall not contain in excess of one-half their capacity or contain in excess of 10 gal (38 L) of fuel, whichever is less.
    • At least one battery cable shall be removed from the batteries used to start the vehicle engine, and the disconnected battery cable shall then be taped.
    • Batteries used to power auxiliary equipment shall be permitted to be kept in service.
    • Fueling or defueling of vehicles shall be prohibited.
    • Vehicles shall not be moved during exhibit hours.
  • Participants must provide a minimum of one (1) adult representative during the event to supervise their station between the hours of 10:00 am and 2:00 pm on Friday, November 1 and 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday, November 2, 2024.  Vehicle representative(s) should be able to provide a narrative description of the vehicle’s specifications and/or services.
  • Participants with vehicles can arrive as early as 6:00 am on the event days (November 1 and 2, 2024), and JLNO will provide additional details of specific arrival times as the event approaches. Vehicles and displays may be left overnight. Participants must stay the entire length of the event and may not leave until the event’s conclusion at 2:00 pm on November 1 and 4:00 pm on November 2, and must vacate the premises by 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm, respectively, unless otherwise agreed to in advance.
  • Participants with vehicles agree to provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance containing the following minimum requirements: General Liability Limits of One (1) Million Dollars Per Occurrence, Automobile Liability Limits of One (1) Million Dollars, and Naming of The Junior League of New Orleans, Inc. as an Additional Insured on said policy of insurance. 
  • Participants grant permission to the Junior League of New Orleans to take photographs or record videos of participants and/or display during the event for the strict purpose of promotion and publicity of the event and/or the Junior League of New Orleans.
  • Participants and their representatives shall conduct themselves in a manner that is appropriate for the family-oriented event, which includes but is not limited to the following restrictions:  No smoking, no profanity, and no display of inappropriate content or clothing. In the event of inappropriate behavior at the event, the Junior League of New Orleans reserves the right to close the participant’s booth, and all Sponsor fees paid to the Junior League of New Orleans will be forfeited.
  • The nature of the TOUCH-A-TRUCK® event involves the interaction of children with Participant’s vehicle(s) so that the children are able to touch, see, and explore the participant’s vehicle(s) and learn about the vehicle(s)’s function.  The Junior League of New Orleans shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage to any participant property, and participant shall further hold harmless, defend and indemnify the Junior League of New Orleans, its officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, losses, causes of action, judgments, damages and expenses including but not limited to attorney’s fees, because of bodily injury, death, or injury to or destruction of tangible property or any other injury or damage resulting from or arising out of (a) participant’s property, (b) participant’s use of the premises, and/or (c) any act, error, or omission on the part of the participant, or its agents, employees, guests, invitees or subcontractors.

Pay for your vendor table online here!


If you require an invoice to process payment, please contact

